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스마트홈을 만드는 쉬운 방법

작성자 : maruidea 분류 : 정보보안,AI | 스마트 홈 작성일 : 2019.04.09 13:55:17 추천 : 0 조회 : 530 키워드 : 스마트 홈

There are no longer needs to drop a lot of money on incorporating smart technology into your home, if you are following a several steps recommended below.


It is common to think that creating a smart home has so many high-end elements needed to fulfilled, such as motorized shades, multiroom audion and etc.

First and foremost, the thing that should be kept in mind is, it doesn’t have to be a full-blown renovation but just need to figure out where to start.

Most smart-home products use wires for power but rely on Wi-Fi to communicate with the internet and smartphones.

A home Wi-Fi network is a requirement, and the range of that network matters. Now there are several things that we can upgrade.

1. Choose smart bulbs or dimmers

2. Utilize Multiroom audio systems

3. Select products for efficiency and peace of mind

4. Decide how to control your smart home

5. Use a Virtual Assistant, or Don’t

원본 URL_https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/02/realestate/the-easy-way-to-create-a-smart-home.html